HELP!!!!!!!! newb needs suggestions

hey i have 8 ladies growing outdoors from bagseed. originally i had like 30 lost most to bugs and weather. then i attempted to lst them and lost more. when i unhooked them i lost some do to them not going back straight and falling over on themselves. i have since staked them up. however im looking for something i can use to boost there growing so far all ive given them for nutrients is some composted horse poo about 6 weeks ago. i need something to thicken them up and make them hardier so i dont lose whats left any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
If you want to thicken the stalks then get a fan to blow air on them. Direct blowing for about 30 minutes to and hour each day should make them thicken up pretty good. You don't want to blow air directly on them for to long. Really it should be done early in its life though.