HELP! New to growing 9 week old plant


I have a plant that is I would say roughly 10 weeks old.
I have NO idea what it is that is on my plant around the bud hairs. Someone anyone elaborate what this means for me please and or tell me what I'm doing wrong ?
Plant is under a 250 watt fluorescent light 18 light 6 hrs dark.
I think my plant is starting to bud waaaaay to early? It's super short but I can already smell her sweet skunk aroma. Not sure what that means I read somewhere I needed to put it under 24 hrs of light to stop flowering ? Is this true? Also. I noticed small bugs on my plant so I soaked cigarette butts in water then sprayed my plant. Bugs are gone but I now see what looks like POLLEN around the white hairs of my baby.

i need details and lots of em. Lol asking for help from all of my fellow pros.



Well-Known Member
I have seen this before . a few times. your plant needs more light . more bright . time to invest In a bigger bulb/ and you need to give it at least a month before you start to flower it. unless you plan on flowering it now it will stress it . unless this is an auto


That might be it. The plant is grown indoors. And I've tried to stop the flowering but I'm not 100% sure HOW TO stop it from continuing to flower? Do to know how I might get the plant to stop flowering ? It's literally 6-7 inches tall.
I noted that when I moved her in from outside to Inside (due to season change here in Texas) she began to show her sex I was excited but then her growth rate slowed and now she's growing but not in height my stem is VERY weak still. Not even close to 3 cm thick. Did I do something wrong ?


I have a plant that is I would say roughly 10 weeks old.
I have NO idea what it is that is on my plant around the bud hairs. Someone anyone elaborate what this means for me please and or tell me what I'm doing wrong ?
Plant is under a 250 watt fluorescent light 18 light 6 hrs dark.
I think my plant is starting to bud waaaaay to early? It's super short but I can already smell her sweet skunk smell. Not sure what that means I read somewhere I needed to put it under 24 hrs of light to stop flowering ?

i need details and lots of em. Lol asking for help from all of my fellow pros.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE reply. I wanna save my baby. Lol



Active Member
Its very small for 10 weeks old. Plus its budding. Did you try 12/12 and then put it back into 18/6? Or has it been 18/6 the entire time?


Its very small for 10 weeks old. Plus its budding. Did you try 12/12 and then put it back into 18/6? Or has it been 18/6 the entire time?
Thats what I said! Lol it's super small! I have kept a good eye on over watering it and still shortness ):
yes I had her at 12/12
then switched to 18/6 she began budding! So I googled how to stop her from budding and all I found was to leave my lamp on 24/0


Active Member
Its going to take a long time for it to start re vegging. If at all. I have had terrible luck with 12/12 from seed then re vegging. But I may not have done something correct either.


Its going to take a long time for it to start re vegging. If at all. I have had terrible luck with 12/12 from seed then re vegging. But I may not have done something correct either.
Darn. So does that mean the 18/6 is the attempt to re vegg?
And if that doesn't work then my plant will bud at 7 inches tall? ): lol


Active Member
18/6 is Veg schedule

Maybe try 24/0.. Can anyone chime in here? Ive had the same issue, I know what caused it, but never figured out how to solve it.


I haven't been getting alot of responses on my posts ),:
lol which makes it so hard to figure out what to do.
This is literally my first plant ! Sad day


Well-Known Member
A reveg usually takes 2 weeks. This can be accomplished by reverting your lights to 18/6 or 24hrs a day if you are so inclined.

It will not look like it is doing anything for awhile but it will eventually start producing single bladed leaves sometimes in a circular pattern. Once that begins, plants typically sort themselves out in short order.


Active Member
Just keep it on 18/6 or 24/0 whichever you prefer but it will take some time to go back to veg just be patient.


Active Member
A reveg usually takes 2 weeks. This can be accomplished by reverting your lights to 18/6 or 24hrs a day if you are so inclined.
I have tried that. I did 30 days and got no new vegetative growth. Went from 12/12 to 24/0. The plant ended up looking just like the picture above. Even continued producing more and more crystals. Buds didnt really grow any bigger. Just stayed the same size for a month. Is there something else I need to do? Eventually I just gave up and put it back into flower, where it still didnt grow much. lol


Well-Known Member
250W on 18-6 for 9 weeks and that is the plant?

First off, it shouldn't be flowering on 18-6 unless she is an auto. But she is tiny for 9 weeks. Something doesn't add up.


Weed Modifier
as long as it is Not an auto-flower plant, you can put lights on 24/0 or 18/6 and it will revert back to veg, but may take a few weeks.
if it is an auto flower it wont matter the light schedule it will continue to flower.


Ill try 24/0 thanks for y'all's input (:
will most deff watch my baby for the next weeks on 24/0 and hopefully see that she's re-vegging
if all else fails.... My next post will be a sad one. Lol