Help - New seedlings but dont want to hurt the girls by getting it wrong


Back again, finished the last crop and got 4oz from the 2 girls ..... so thanks to everyone for the advice.

Now onto the new kids .... Got 3 Blue Cheese and 5 Bulldog Chronic planted. Germed the seeds and then planted when cracked. Day later the 8 had sprouted. Now day 3 and they have gone crazy, they are stretched (not sure if normal).

Main questions are this ...... WHAT NOW lol.

I have 3 CFL lights on them 18/6 inside the tent. 6 are under a dome and 2 are outside (no dome for them)

When do I feed .... I bought Canna Start as I am using Coco Canna to grow in but don't want to feed to early.

Also when can I go to the 600w main light and bring down low.

Sorry but first time with seeds as last time was clones.

BTW - have single root showing now from bottom of pot ...

Any help guys .... pleaseeeeeeeeee



Well-Known Member
Here's what u do next, get a pen and paper for this. Write this really big so u will always see it.

leave it alone!!!!! Don't touch it, don't pull it out to see the roots. Don't transplant it after 6 days. Don't feed until the plant stops growing with just soil and water.


Active Member
Feed them with reg water till you see your second SET of leaves. Not the 2nd pair of single leaves. Then whenever they start to reallllly yellow. Then just go full strength. I did. But water enough to get some overflow. Because you now have to change thr ph of thr medium if you used tap water like i did. If youve been phing your water the whole time. Then forfet this step and just water them how they should with full strength nutes. They should be able to utilize it by then. Just use tapwater until that point. It has micro nutrients. If they fall over, prop em up. Once they get established. Thr ones that you have that have fallen (if they fall) will strengthen and right themselves. They look fine to me. Just let em go brihon. And use the lucas method.


Well-Known Member
DO NOT use full stength nutes on a seedling, you will fry it !!!

I use coco too and its a really good medium for beginners :)

You shouldn't need a dome on seedlings unless your air is really dry, also put a small fan blowing above them not on them, just enough air movement to make them move slightly (it will strengthen the stems.)

All they need for the first 2 weeks is ph'd water and not too much of that (you can add a little rhizotonic if you have some) , don't soak them - dont let them dry out. Those first little leaves contain all the food it needs to get started.
After they have a couple of sets of true leaves you can start with canna coco nutes at around 1/4 strength and build from there.

Once they get 4 or 5 sets of true leaves you can put them under the 600w but keep it at least 3-4 feet away for a few days then lower it a few inches each day to get them used to the strong light.


Well-Known Member
Your lights are too high, that's why they're stretching, thy are reaching for the light, lower them/it.


Active Member
I wouldn't do anything really dif from the above veterans, but I did try one of those clip on "work lights" with the round silver reflector and a 23W "Daylight" CFL at point blank really cut down on the seedling stretch w/o any signs of burn.... got my seedlings off to the best start yet.... (PS I've sometimes watered my seedlings with fish tank water; its pretty weak and could be a placebo effect...who knows)


Well-Known Member
Coco has no nutes in it, it is not soil, a mild 200-250 ppm base nute mix will do great, get the dome off, get the cfl much closer, get a breeze on em, feed em, put em under the 600 next week


Well-Known Member
Not to state the obvious but.....

TOP OFF your pots with your rooting medium, to the rim. You can get 1 to 1.5" of stem covered it looks to me. Even mound it up a bit in the middle.

Get some CFLs right in their face, a couple inches away, with a light fan breeze.

Problem solved


They are stretching out because of lack of light you need to lower your light like deetee said, he knows what hes on about