Help needed


Active Member
First time hydro grower. I have a single slow growing feminized NL in a stealth box; vegging at around week 9. Was doing 18/6 CFL lights but changed to 24/- round the clock because of auto flowering strain. Read this would increase growth rate by 30%. Plant has been doing well up until 2 days ago. Now all leaves drooping except new lower growth.

Plant based in rock wool and moist but good drainage and roots covered. pH, temp, and nutrition (Moon Dust) has been fine...using more on the less side than full strength (maybe reason for slow growth). Top of plant center has new growth but well as lower larger leaves.

New under growth occurring but also concerned larger leaves are blocking access to adequate light. I did 'snip' two older lower leaves (maybe 6 days ago) as they were too big for space folding under. Could the drooping be due to stress from snipping? If so how long before recovery? I was concerned about nutrient lock so I refreshed reservoir and waited 4 days before adding. I know a lot of questions being asked, but trying to paint the full picture for a speedy answer. Would hate to lose. Any input is appreciated.




Well-Known Member
From what i have read re: plant issues you will get the whole gamut of reasons but what are your PH levels, tds or ec readings. I assume that you r using a bubble system. I really have no ideal whats up, but possibly a nitrogen thing, plants look a bit light near the bottom. I would'nt think its due to leaf removal. Also u may want to do a bit more research on auto lighting and see if the 24 thing is actually beneficial. Good luck!!! Sorry about not being helpful but im a complete newb myself.