Help! Need to pass urine test!

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New Member
PLEASE HELP! I'm so stressed! I have a urine test in 2 weeks that I NEED to pass. The situation is this, I'm on hydrocodone for arthritis, and my doctor won't give my a new prescription if there's weed in my system. I weigh 220lbs., 5'6", I smoked 3 days ago, I smoke moderate quality, 6 out 7 days a week, and usually smoke a few times each day. I can't do much exercise due to my arthritis. I've been on several vitamin supplements, Vit. D, Vit. C, Vit. B12, and niacin, and have increased my Vit. C and niacin to help detox already. I plan on flushing with water for a few days prior to the test. My concern is that I'm worried if I detox too much trying to get the weed out of my system, will it also remove the traces of the opiates from the hydrocodone? What else can I do to just get the THC out? I take my pain meds daily, as prescribed, so they should be still detectable at the time of test right? Any other suggestions? Thanks in advance for the help!
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