Help my tops knugs on the plants are like burning?


Its only on 2 plants on smalls branches ones on a top knugg and the other is on the side of a bud but it looks like its burnt or dying the plants wont be done for a month n they get plenty of water. i try to rotate them every couple hours if i you think there sun just friend the bud? less sunlight?? they get sun from about 930 10 am to about 6-7 n its off an on through the shade but they get good light. can someone help me outt thanksssss


Its only on 2 plants on smalls branches ones on a top knugg and the other is on the side of a bud but it looks like its burnt or dying the plants wont be done for a month n they get plenty of water. i try to rotate them every couple hours if i you think there sun just friend the bud? less sunlight?? they get sun from about 930 10 am to about 6-7 n its off an on through the shade but they get good light. can someone help me outt thanksssss

my badd there buds are frying hahah