Help My Seedling. Strong Stem, Bad Leaves, Have Good Pics


New Member
Hey guys

Noob grower here. I am looking for help. So I got 1 single bag seed to pop. Really I wasn't planning on anything just something to get my interest going. I did not realize how attached in would get to my little girl. I really want it to pull through. But she looks well, not good.

Here's the deal. I have her in miracle grow seed starter under 4 cfl 100w eqhivalents. The light is about 3 or 4 inches from the top of the seedling. She had what looked like nute burn on the tips but now there are a couple dead spots on her leaves. It's growing but also shriveling. The stem seems good but the leaves are crapping out. I've read a lot so far and can't find my issue. The temp is 85 but humidity is like 36 constantly. I have mylar on the walls. Btw the cfls are 3 5000k's and 1 2500k. Thought I'd give a mix with a slight lean towards blue light.

Please help me I really didn't think I was gonna do much hence the miracle gro but once I saw the little green sprout come out of thesoil. I will just say I'm hooked. Take a look at my pics and any advice is fully appreciated.

