Help my plants gone limp!


Active Member
Hi guys thanks in advance!
I'm not new to growing but this is the first time I've tried DWC
I purchased 2 x 20l dwc buckets with 1 6inch net in the top
Yesterday I took 2 really healthy plants washed the roots carefully
And set up in the dwc with pH 6.0 EC1. 2 hesi products,
Then put them under a 400w HPS from the T5 florescent previously, (think this leap of light may of caused the problem ‍♂️)
The root temp is 17oc(maybe a tad to low I thought better than tad to high you see)
I went and checked on them last night before bed and the rhino had started to limp so I sprayed it with water and put the water level up in the dwc bucket so more of the roots in the 6inch mesh bucket were covered it seem to purk back up after an hour,
So I went to bed, when I've woke up and checked them the rhino was totally limp and the cheese was OK but not as springy as last night
I've sprayed them both with water and turned the light of for now till I figure out the problem
I'll put some pics up the roots are healthy but don't look it in the pic there stained from the soil I grew them in don't look to bad up close
Oh yeah and the air temperature as fine between 24 and 27.5oc last night

Any advice welcome!


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They need time to adjust keep your light cycle dont cut it or will cause early flower. Your key word in your post is Yesterday you must give roots time to go from soil to water. I dont grow dwc but I know misting plants is bad I dont do it often and only during first part of lights on so the water evaporates and acts as dew in nature. GL
OK so it's picked bk up now I've turned the lights off they are just in daylight now
Few worrying stuff! DWC new territory to me
Must of been to much light to soon I will put them under 200w HPS and work up I think :D
They need time to adjust keep your light cycle dont cut it or will cause early flower. Your key word in your post is Yesterday you must give roots time to go from soil to water. I dont grow dwc but I know misting plants is bad I dont do it often and only during first part of lights on so the water evaporates and acts as dew in nature. GL
Thank you rictor94, I think your correct, to much to soon! I only misted because I thought it would help I don't usually do it, like when you have an early cutting that can go linp needs a little spray at the beginning
This is better picture of the roots they looked really bad in the last picture


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