Help my plants are dying!


Active Member
Ok so this is my first time growing so i have no idea what im doing wrong, I'm having a serious problem with my plants. Once they reach about 3-5 inches tall they fall over and slowly die. in the past week i have had about 5 plants doe this to me. they are indoor plants and i am planning on transplanting so i had put fan in there to try to get their stems a lil bigger by with some wind but i stopped because it seem to do to much dmg. anyone know whats wrong? the plants are jack harra and i think its because they are to tall and not strong enough at the base.. how do i fix this?


Well-Known Member
put a stick next to them and tie them up, that will stop them from falling over, but not stop them from dying, most likely it's something else......

give us some more info on what you generally do with your plants.... water schedule, nute schedule, ect.


Well-Known Member
what kind of lights u using?? stretched stems on seedlings is usually poor light or it too far away...


Active Member
i use miracle gro forumated soil so i dont think its the soil..the light is about 4-5 inches away from the plants.. and i wated them maybe once or twice a week.. i did use miracle gro supplement to help them grow after transplanting.. but they seem to tip over still.. i water em about 2 times a week. and the light is use is called "natural sunshine" and its a 20 watt light


Well-Known Member
Unofficially, you can cut a piece of a drinking straw, then slice it length-wise and carefully place it around the stem, leaving maybe 1/4"-1/2" under the surface. This is a cut-worm fix, but should help damping off?
You could dig around the base of the plant with a toothpic to keep the soil from getting so tight?
Ideally, figure out what you're doing to cause the damping off and reverse it.
I believe it's a condition caused by ones watering routine.