help, my plants are dying. i need to know what to do ASAP!!


Active Member
hi, i am a new grower buyt have reserched growing for the past two years, but was unable to grow due to personal reasons. But now i have 4 mi5's. 1 special kush. and 6 bubblegum. (all apart from kush are auto's) i have a setup in the basement in a little room with a extractor carbon filter 400w hps and reflective material. i water my plants with vitalink growth 2 part nutes. and there is a osolating fan in there aswell. (therees no intake atm cause i need to modify the house to get it in and also no money atm.
my plants are wilting and drooping and when they stop doning that they go kinda dry. but still green i spent £100 on seeds and i dont want them to die now i need help asap!
here's photos (sorry my camera is so shit)



Active Member
that wool looks very dry, i hope you have been seriously diluting your nute mix, would'nt start proper fert program until u have at least 4 or 5 lots of leaves myself


Active Member
the wooll is soaked not one buit dry, and i am doing 2ml for every 1.5litres (bottle says 1/2ml every litre) do you know whats wrong. it happend before (no where near as bad) and i turned off everything for a few hours and they seemed to heal a little but 1 died :'(

i need to know how to rescue or there going to die sooon.


Active Member
you may be over ferting, give them just water for a few days. according to the bottle, u should only be adding 3/4 ml for 1.5l !


Well-Known Member
You should not be using any nutes this early on. Too much water will stunt growth, and cause other problems.

Those large cubes should not need watered for days at a time, and then only dip the bottom of the cube in your PH adjusted water.