@@@help my plant is dying help@@@@@@@@


New Member

  • My plant started slowly falling over about 3 days ago so i put a stick in to hold it up. Yesterday all its leaves randomly wilted. The leaves remained green till about 3 hours ago and now have a small tint of grey on them. In an attempt to save the plant this morning I cut bigger drainage holes and flushed the pot. I believe the plant is trainwreck (the bud i got the seed from was supposedly trainwreck.) If there is anything I can do to save it please tell me.
    Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

    Grow Setup
    2 cfls (probably not problem other plant under same light is fine)
    miracle grow soil
    average sized pot
    4 penny sized drainage holes
    watered when dry at an inch depth




Well-Known Member
Correction.... your plant is dead.

Try again, you had to have done something major wrong.


New Member
I am using MiracleGrow potting mix with continuos release plant food, but my other plants are using the same soil and they are doing fine.


Well-Known Member
If it were me I'd give my dead plant a decent burial. And chalk it up to sometimes for no obvious reasons one or more of our plants will die. This just happened to me a week ago. I was starting a new grow and one day all of my plants were looking good a week into vegetation. Went to touch one and she dropped over dad. Green no signs of anything just limp and dead.

PS Train wreck is hard to grow in my opinion. I only grew it once though. Good fucking bud though.


Well-Known Member
I would guess the soil.
Otherwise, I'd say overwatering.
Sounds like it got worse when you tried flushing. (could be the flushing released more time release fertilizer also)
Let it dry out a bit and hope for the best.
Check runoff PH.



New Member
I would guess the soil.
Otherwise, I'd say overwatering.
Sounds like it got worse when you tried flushing. (could be the flushing released more time release fertilizer also)
Let it dry out a bit and hope for the best.
Check runoff PH.

Thanks a ton ill try that