Help My plant is dying and I dont Know why!


New Member
I have had my plant in veg for 2.5 months in a 5 gallon dwc. im using gh floroduo, calmag and hygrozyme. i started noticing problems about a week or so ago with some random brown spots like the one in pic 1. next the plant started to droop and now all new growth is coming in deformed/clawed and the fan leaves are ranging from dark green to palish with little brown spots.

After looking online and not being able to find the problem i set up a bigger res from 5 gal bucket to a 10 gal tote with an extra airstone. I also realised that ive been giving the plant distilled water for the last 2 weeks (before that i was using tap and everything looked great) so when i set up the new res i went back to using tap water. i also havent given any calmag in awhile so i added that. my ppm has been just under 700 and my ph has been 5.8 - 6.1.

Is there something im missing?

BTW my roots look amazing bright white and firm - however i was thinking maybe they had out grown the 5 gal bucket? they were really piling up

pic1.JPG pic2.JPG pic3.JPG pic4.JPG pic5.JPG pic6.JPG pic7.JPG


Well-Known Member
You've got some slight nitrogen toxicity going i.e deep dark green leaves and the clawing. Also the burnt tips indicates over nuting. Im not a hydro guy but I would change the res, and add nutes at a lower dosage than what ever it is you have been doing.