help! my plant is about to just die if it isn't too late already!


well my plant has been growing outside perfectly fine for a couple months. It's gotten nice and big, and it was very green and healthy (I hope) lol.
At first I had problems with grasshoppers but some insecticide took care of that.
Then maybe last tuesday or monday the plant started looking depressed, leaves drooping, slight clawish just falling over of the leaves. This mainly happened after it had just rained, so I figured, well it probably got too much water somehow. I thought it would be just fine after a some time of not watering.
Well I kept waiting for improvement, but this morning, it looks worse than ever before! The leaves aren't even holding themselves up anymore almost at all.
|\\\ if the straight line was the stalk, the slashed lines pointing DOWN are the leaves.
I'm sure pictures would help, but it isn't possible at this exact moment. Then I realized that it has just been much too cold for any excess water to evaporate, so how do I keep the plant from dying? I could evaporate the water if I stuck the pot in the oven, but I have a feeling the plant wouldn't survive that. lol
Anyways, what do I do? Should I just transplant it to a pot without any water?
despite the shock it would experience? or would that be worse at this point?

Please give me some suggestions quickly. It may already be too late.


Well-Known Member
Does the pot it's in have drain holes? If not, drill some to let the pot breath and let oxygen to the roots.


Well-Known Member
You could always kick it to the curb, buy some clones from your local dispensary / order seeds. & Give it another go. :) I have killed clones like no other, like whelp lost two today.. .gotta go pickup more. Then SUCCESS !.


Well-Known Member
more bigger holes, soil too compact, perlite? Go to the MJ Doc & say you have insomnia, it helps you eat, & your going to smoke it anyway so might as well be legal. Head to the Clinic 10min later.


so you're saying i should take the plant out, mix the soil with perlite, and put it back in o.0
and it isn't legal in florida unfortunately.
I'm not really doing this for the bud, just for the joy of growing maryjane, but right now it is pretty stressful lol


Well-Known Member
i know how yu feel. hurts more to lose one when grown from seed. Uhm, no dont do it to soil now. Just keep in mind next grow. Have airy soil so it gets lots of oxygen, maybe holes in the sides of your buckets & sit thoes in a bigger bucket to drain in.