help my dog ate some of my plant!!!


Virtually Unknown Member
It'll be fine. Plant won't even notice it. Watch that Skippy doesn't develop a taste for it. One of my dogs did....any pot or roaches laying around were history. Thought I was going crazy, but should have realized something was up when he started sleeping a lot:) (Won't really hurt the dog either)


Well-Known Member
There is an extremely pertinent piece of information missing from this thread! LOL

The picture isn't there either. lol


Well-Known Member
My guess is girlfriend! :-P
Lol...More than likely a cat. Either way, it's p

I won't go there. That's way too typical of our species...

I will say back when I was 15, my pet rabbit escaped from his habitat and wen't directly to my garden. That bitch ate about 24 sprouts in 5 minutes. I'd never been so pissed in my life!!


Well-Known Member
Lol...More than likely a cat. Either way, it's p

I won't go there. That's way too typical of our species...

I will say back when I was 15, my pet rabbit escaped from his habitat and wen't directly to my garden. That bitch ate about 24 sprouts in 5 minutes. I'd never been so pissed in my life!!

You might have been pissed, but I bet that rabbit was delicious.


Well-Known Member
It's not like a person loosing a limb. More like getting a hole in your jumper. Just as you'd put another jumper on in that situation, your plant will grow new green growth to recover.

Just make sure your dog knows it did something bad, and don't let it do it again. :-)


Well-Known Member
that is small potatoes on the growth of your plant, luckily its still a baby, in time you'll remove a lot of the dying leaves anyway. just keep the dog at bay cause you dont want him eating your product when it really starts to matter.