HELP!!! Mold on curing buds!!!


Active Member

I noticed today that I had a couple of buds that had very minor moldy spots on it but I know that mold is dangerous and even minor mold is no good. I thought I had dried the buds enough before starting the cure and I also thought I was burping them enough but apparently I wasn't. I have gone through the other buds and can't see anything and I have been pulling the buds apart to further examine. I have taken everything out and dumped it into a paper bag and it's continuing to dry out. I've been examining everything under a magnifying glass and a 30x loop and I don't see anything except trichomes but I'm a little paranoid about it all and I have a couple of questions regarding my curing buds.

I literally only saw small amounts of mold on a couple buds, but does that mean that the entire jar is contaminated even though I can't visibly see any more mold?

Can I examine each bud and keep the ones the ones that look clean?

Does anyone have pictures of what minor mold looks like before it turns white and spider web like?

I know mold is dangerous if smoked but if the entire batch is contaminated is it still possible to cook with it?

Your help is much appreciated and I thank you for reading.


Well-Known Member
If you see a single mold spore (thread, shroom, watever) there about 2,000,000 you aren't seeing. Yet. Make tincture with it. Dry, grind, put in jars to the top loosely. Fill with Everclear to within 1/2" from the top and screw the lid on. Shake every day for a month. Strain through a screen strainer and then strain that soup through a coffee filter. A few drops under the tongue or in your coffee (or in somebody else's at work!!!) and you're cleared for takeoff.


Well-Known Member
If you see a single mold spore (thread, shroom, watever) there about 2,000,000 you aren't seeing. Yet. Make tincture with it. Dry, grind, put in jars to the top loosely. Fill with Everclear to within 1/2" from the top and screw the lid on. Shake every day for a month. Strain through a screen strainer and then strain that soup through a coffee filter. A few drops under the tongue or in your coffee (or in somebody else's at work!!!) and you're cleared for takeoff.
LOL... How many people have you sent flying...:hump:


Well-Known Member
LOL... How many people have you sent flying...:hump:
Seriously? None. I told my story about spiking stuff here on RIU a while ago. But there are people who could use a short flight. Then I think " What if they drive off?" and that ends that dream.