Help me with the sun you veg

Ok, im aka the GOAT, i have 2 clones outside. One is a bushy Bluecheese and the other is a NYC Diesel. I put them out doors when they were about 1ft on APRIL 29. Sp they have been veggin for about 5-6 weeks. I cant control the Veg/Flower time being an outdoor grow???? And how do they look so far.


Well-Known Member
Ok, im aka the GOAT, i have 2 clones outside. One is a bushy Bluecheese and the other is a NYC Diesel. I put them out doors when they were about 1ft on APRIL 29. Sp they have been veggin for about 5-6 weeks. I cant control the Veg/Flower time being an outdoor grow???? And how do they look so far.
You are a goat?


Well-Known Member
Don't worry guys mon got this......mon speak goat, Baaaa baaa ba ba ba baaaaaaahhhhh hmmmmm wait a minute......

chicken says Cluck-cluck

kitty says Meow

The doggy says Woof-woof!

The cow says MOOOOooooo!

The rooster says Cock-a-doodle-doo!

The sheep says Baaaaaa

The pig says Oink-oink-oink!

The horse says Neiiiiigh!

[FONT=Trebuchet MS, Arial, sans-serif]sorry what did the goat say?[/FONT]
Bahhhhhhh bahhhhhhhhhhh. Yes im a goat, who likes grass. But really what can i do, i dont want them to over grow. I put them in buckets so they can be mobile. Not sure if you guys can help but i need to know if theres still a lot of veg time left in NY?


Well-Known Member
Bahhhhhhh bahhhhhhhhhhh. Yes im a goat, who likes grass. But really what can i do, i dont want them to over grow. I put them in buckets so they can be mobile. Not sure if you guys can help but i need to know if theres still a lot of veg time left in NY?
those are some nice plants. And yes lot of veg time left, you stuck them out pretty early, wont be budding until august. you can keep the size down having them in containers but Id still up the size of the container, you don't want to limit the potential of those girls too much. For future reference, it might be a good idea to get a later start if you don't want them getting too big
Yes i know, my friend had to make more room for his room, so he gave me those. I had nowhere to put em but outside.Both girls are in 5g buckets, by putting in containers you mean, what i have them in? Im not to worried on the size but im not sure on if it stresses the plant beacuse of the time.

Post picture--- i started bending the lower branches on the cheese and some mid branches. So It made the bushy plant look more like a tree. Was that a good/bad move??? There were a lot tops before as you can see in the 1st pic^^^^


Well-Known Member
if you want them to bud now you can put a trash can over them at 7:45 pm and remove trash can at 8 am and trick it into thinking season is changing but you must do this everyday until you harvest.


Well-Known Member
Yes i know, my friend had to make more room for his room, so he gave me those. I had nowhere to put em but outside.Both girls are in 5g buckets, by putting in containers you mean, what i have them in? Im not to worried on the size but im not sure on if it stresses the plant beacuse of the time.

Post picture--- i started bending the lower branches on the cheese and some mid branches. So It made the bushy plant look more like a tree. Was that a good/bad move??? There were a lot tops before as you can see in the 1st pic^^^^
not that they cant make it in those 5 gal. But come august your gonna need to water them nearly every day. at the very least Id try and up those to 10 gal, around beginning or mid july, before the stretch kicks in
[SUP][/SUP]Ok, i found these todayView attachment 2686861 on my blue cheese, here is my cheese from yesterdayView attachment 2686863. Now... I found my first yellow leaf a several days back, so yesterday i feed my girls 1/4tbs of MG all purpose food..24-8-16 ......My soil is MG Potting miximage.jpg21-7-14. The all purpose food has a everything in it beseides the big3. I know MG sucks but its the only thing i had at the momment, remember i was forced these plants early and had no time to get to think, nor have a proper nuts available. But what i did with them so far, i think i did ok.......untill now. That was the first and only time I ever feed them, did i fuck up????

I think its iron def going with some of the water leaves, but it has been a cold/hot may sofar in NY, and my site has bug life, are the bugs sucking up the nuts???? Did i over feed??? I used a qtr tbs with a gallon of water on two plants split, so is it over or under???

so many Qs i just want a J--- bahhh the goat

