Help me with my noob Closet Grow-op shelf thing


Active Member
I have a medium closet, power outlets, and it even has rack.

Dimensions (roughly):

-6 Feet Tall
-5 Feet wide
-2 Feet Deep

The racks are about 1.5 feet apart, and they can come out.
I can use as much power as I want, and I'm willing to spend 300$ to make this suffient(my parents don't care/check my room. I'm 17 living in Vancouver BC fyi).

All the books & the desk are getting cleared out, so there will be extra room down the sides as well if it needs to poke out a bit. This is not an enclosed closet so I will not be hiding this as I bolt lock my door before I go to school and I live in an upscale neighborhood so being caught isn't a factor. ignore the messy books, paper and desk that are in the pictures... They are disapearing.

What sort of growing plan would work best, simple soil and light or do you fellows recommend anything? I sleep in this room so I don't want it to stick TO bad. I wear a sleep visor at night as to blockout light eminating from the closet if necessary (if I'm going for 24/7 which I doubt it).

I would appreciate any guidance on where to start, I have read your FAQ's and what not but I don't know whats right for my situation. I understand all the methods and whatnots, but I'm not sure what are the best for this open area type growing shelf.

I can figure out the rest on my own most likely, I just want to make sure I'm not climbing a difficult flight of stairs when theres a more efficient one for my situation.

Love the website, you fellows are quite friendly and this community is great.



Well-Known Member
for new plants i think coco fiber is really good, or seed starter mix. if you want inexspensive light, cfl ( compact floresent lights) lights are the way to go. otherwise use hps ( high pressure sodium). i use cfl lights, untill i flower the plant, for budding. if you choose to use a cfl bulb, buy a reflector, which aims all the light downward. you can hang the reflector inside you grow space.

you can buy a cfl bulb at any hardware store, they are the spiral bulbs, and same for the reflector, and thos cost $8-10. when you buy the cfl, look on the package for " day light" it has the blueish color the plant needs.

as far as light cycle goes, you can start with 24 hour if you want, but for the veg. growth you want 18 hours of light, and 6 hours of dark. so set your timer so the dark cycle starts when you go to sleep. also u can just start out with 18/6 insted of 24.


Active Member
for new plants i think coco fiber is really good, or seed starter mix. if you want inexspensive light, cfl ( compact floresent lights) lights are the way to go. otherwise use hps ( high pressure sodium). i use cfl lights, untill i flower the plant, for budding. if you choose to use a cfl bulb, buy a reflector, which aims all the light downward. you can hang the reflector inside you grow space.

you can buy a cfl bulb at any hardware store, they are the spiral bulbs, and same for the reflector, and thos cost $8-10. when you buy the cfl, look on the package for " day light" it has the blueish color the plant needs.

as far as light cycle goes, you can start with 24 hour if you want, but for the veg. growth you want 18 hours of light, and 6 hours of dark. so set your timer so the dark cycle starts when you go to sleep. also u can just start out with 18/6 insted of 24.
How do I aquire a reflecter (for the light to hang from) and 2ndly, how far should the light be away from the plant itself? How close is to close, how far is to far. Can I make a reflector out of a mirror or tinfoil?

I'll be heading to the hardware store tommorow, and then the BCMP bookstore for some seeds.


Well-Known Member
How do I aquire a reflecter (for the light to hang from) and 2ndly, how far should the light be away from the plant itself? How close is to close, how far is to far. Can I make a reflector out of a mirror or tinfoil?

I'll be heading to the hardware store tommorow, and then the BCMP bookstore for some seeds.
you can get a reflector from the hardware store. its a metal circle/cone, and you screw the bulb into it, then plug in the reflector. since you are using a cfl, your going to want the light pritty damn close to the plant.
put your hand on the bulb, and slowly move it away, untill you can still feel the heat from it, but not to intense of heat. so like 2 inches away from it.
the reflector also has a clamp on top of it, so its easy to hang. i actully keep the light about 5 in away, because im using 2 cfl lights. one is a 100w and one is a 26w. you can use more than just 100w if you want. more is better.


Active Member
Do any reputable seed banks accept paypal? I checked the first few but it would appear not... and I'm far to lazy to go look for seeds today so I would rather have them delivered to my door.


Well-Known Member
that im not so sure about, i live in the us. so laws are a bit different. i have also never ordered seeds. i think its better to get a clone from someone you know. also seems faster than starting from seed.

hey here is an updated to this post: i forgot about this one seed company i have been looking at, they seem to be perfect, and all they take is paypal... The Best Marijuana Seeds & Cannabis Seeds


Well-Known Member
i swear, i just read on that site, that all they take now is paypal. due to some unpaying customeres or something. i could of misread, but i wasnt tripping, so im prob. right. ripped