help me with my areoflo 60


I have multiple questions that would be greatly appreciated if someone could gimme some pointers. First off I wanna know if a timer for my pump is nessecary, if so what kind of a cycle. 2. once my roots are through the coco pots how far down should i set the flow. 3. I added too much ph down and i fixed it with baking soda... Is that ok to do??? 4. Is it really nessecary to have a reverse osmosis water filter?


Well-Known Member
No timer, it runs 24/7. set the flow all the way down to a thin film, turn ur jets up so they spray the cups lightly and saturate the roots and bingo. baking soda is okay. RO is not necessary, but, sure nice to have and use.


New Member
indipow nailed it on the head... your inthe right direction iloved the 60 plant aeroflo when i had one i just made a 30diy one the other day :)


24/7 deffinately. first thing I would do is throw those stupid coco liners in the garbage. I used them the firdt time and I hated them. I think they were messing with my ph. the second go around without them my root growth was probably twice as fast. I had to buy different net cups with smaller holes so the pebbles cant fall through. As far as the water it kinda depends on your ppm of your tap water. My tap water ppm is about 60, so I dont use one. If your ppm is high you might could use one. I set my water level as low as possible to keep roots in the water. After a few days I try to have mine all the way down. I have a different opinion on the sprayers though, I adjust them at like a 45 degree angle spaying on the water to create as many bubbles as possible. Everything I just said is my opinion and it may not be right. I started my aeroflo about 2 months ago and I read alot on here and asked questions just like you. This is what I think works best