Help me plz


New Member
can u tell me if my fluorescents are the right ones to use
and can i use the computer fans and how?
and can i use these pipes to bring in air from the outside with a cpu fan? do u think i can get it to grow sideways from one end to the other?

let me know b


Well-Known Member
YOu need better floros... invest in some CFL's if your going that route.. you should be able to get good lighting under 40 bucks...

Fans need one of those large adapters that come on cell phone chargers... or some kind of appliance like a battery charger.. its large squere crap that connects to the wall...

YOu cut those and use them... doesn't matter what 2 wires connect.. you just gotta cross till you find the right ones. (make sure you dont connect them both together... like a positive and a negative or else you will blow up... do them parallel)

Those pipes are too small to bring in any air.. you need at least a 3 inch hole for ur fans to atleast such some air in...
