help me please!


Active Member
First time growing, leaves are curling under (in the last 5 days). Don't think it's deficiency got premixed soil says good for 9 months, its been about 8-9 weeks. wondering if maybe too many nutrients or overwatering. didn't want to flush roots in case too much water is the problem. plants aren't under any lights, they are growing naturally in pots with plenty of sunlight. please help! just the tip on the very end of the leafs are turning brown tried to get that in the 2nd pic.:confused:


Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
What are your temps? I have had a few plants do the same thing but it was more to do with my temps than anything else.


Well-Known Member
Pre-mix ed..with what...nutes (stay away) moisture contol, (stay away) if mixed with spugnum, perlite .. etc. for drainage,..good..that looks like A to much water thing, from what I can see..I'd explain more, but the site crashes & i LOSE ALL MY TYPING....LATER FOR THAT...READ faq.