help me pick led lights


Well-Known Member
so I need help to light up 2 tents

the first one is 2.6x2.6x5.9
options are
attis 200
attis 300
hlg 300l

the second one is 3.2x3.2x6.5
options are
hlg 350r
lumatek zeus 465
I would go with the Lumatek 300, 465, products, the bar lights give a better spread and they are very well made and durable, and the bars have plastic covers over the leds which helps in small areas. They have more light than you will need in those spaces plus you retain the spread if you dim them down or the canopy gets too close, or if you need to lower them or make space you have more options.
IMO, Quantum Boards are better utilised in non-restrictive spaces.

That being said I have a lot of experience with HLG products and their customer service is Five-star, even for international customers.