Help me not screw this up! (making hash)


Active Member
Sup All,

I ended up with some decent weed that got moldy from storage and after posting a thread about it hash was suggested, so I am converting it (about an oz) to hash.

Currently i'm in the "middle" of the ice-cold-water process. I filled the blender with 1/2 buds, 1/4 ice and 1/4 purified tap water.

I used a tea strainer (a metal strainer shaped like a cup) to get all the smoothy type stuff from the blender into the plastic container that i'm using. Since the strainer was small I had to squeeze the smoothy stuff up against the sides of the strainer to get the water out. I was left with a small amount of ground up green in the strainger which I ran through the blender again for good measure.

I ended up with a 4 L pasta container full of greenish water and it's been sitting in the fridge for about 2 hrs (about 2 hrs more to go).

There are tons of methods out there and maybe thats the confusing part for me however I am getting there. I believe the next step should be to syphon the water out (until 1 inch is left) and then use a turkey extractor thing to get to 1/2 inch of water.

I should be left with the wet hash powder.

I am not sure what is the best way to extract from there. I have the turkey extractor and I have coffee filters. Not sure which is better here.

Since it's evident that i'm in a moldy prone climate I don't want to let it dry on it's own so I plan to use a flood lights to heat it up and evaporate the water.

I plan on smoking this over the next couple months so I don't know if keeping it as hash powder is best. I have seen that to press the hash powder you can also do it so many ways. Heat, Pressure, Hands, Bag... Anyway I think the best way for me is the baggie method and gently rubbing it agaisnt my jeans to generate a minimal amount of heat. Eventually getting it into a small ball.

Any suggestions on this? Does anyone think this is wrong or ????

Thanks in advance and sorry for the long post but I had to get the facts right.
