Help me identify this little bug feasting on my plants!

cheeze me

Well-Known Member
ok guys I have these little bastards all over two of my smaller plants, ones that arent flowering yet, they seem to be growing really slow as these bugs are sucking shit out of them, i squashed one and green plant shit came out of it so from that I assume it eating away the juices out my plants?

Iv searched on the net endlessly before posting here I just cant find any info on what this is, it looks most similar to an aphid but dont know if thats what it really is?

Please someone help me identify these things so I can do something about it.



;-) Hi~ I saw little black ones~(FUNNY)~so I tried gettin' them off~They moved uber slow,Woulnt go away..just stonedly went to other side of same branch! Little thief suckers~
oh can try a small sqirt of dish soap in a waterfilled spray bottle.keeps 'em off. wont hurt plant. Plants love 2-b sprayed with water after that..:peace:

cheeze me

Well-Known Member
i treied getting them off but they wont come off easy, they are like properly sticking into the branches, i need to like get a screwdriver flathead and pick them off but the next day they just come back, theres like 10 of them crawling in the pots soil and even more wondering about near the pots, tried moving them in a different spot and they just come back.

Should I just give up with the two plants infested?


Well-Known Member
No idea what they are but as you say they move about a lot why not try one of those bug catchers that has the sticky gluey surface that they walk on then stick to and die. Think you can get them in Walkmarx ;)

cheeze me

Well-Known Member
i think it is a bean aphed
You my friend are a legend, thank you very much for the articles, very helpful indeed, thats exactly what they are.

Once again I would be lost without the help of members of this forum, your all great :joint:

Now I know what they are il do some research and find a way to get rid of them

Edited to say just read the 2nd page, looks like you did my research for me, all the info I need is there.



OH YES:hump::clap:what a kool idea~cut a small piece off~hold it with tweezers & put it on the stoned little suckers & pull 'em off! ~Geinus~
DEEP Thinkers,the lot of us!
Sure will BLOW THEIR HIGH:cry:Tho~

cheeze me

Well-Known Member
OH YES:hump::clap:what a kool idea~cut a small piece off~hold it with tweezers & put it on the stoned little suckers & pull 'em off! ~Geinus~
DEEP Thinkers,the lot of us!
Sure will BLOW THEIR HIGH:cry:Tho~
haha thats actually a really good idea, im gonna try that, some of these things have wings aswell lol

Im gonna go outside in the morning and get about 5 or 6 ladybirds togeather in a jar and let em fuck those little bastards up :evil: