Help me finish this design....


Just to be clear I have never grown weed

the only knowledge I have is what I have

read largely in this forum and a couple

others. Please feel free to correct anything

I may have wrong... This is going to be my

first grow and I want it to be good =D.

My room is 4' 10" x 4' 6" and 9' tall.

I plan on flowering 4 plants at a time while

maintaining a small veg chamber for


The set up I have in mind was inspired

mostly by Earl's space ship but is starting to

take a shape of it's own...

I plan on useing a couple 54 qt marine

coolers ( 25"x15"x15") for my nutes and will

use the chiller pump and spray system

pumps to circulate the water between the

2. Both coolers will be set up with

sprayers/mister (havent settled on

which) system and bubble rocks.

I am thinking of going vertical do to the fact

that I will only be flowering 4 plants at a

time and want to have a decent harvest.

However I also dont want to have to veg


So I was thinking of useing 2 400w cool

tubes and a cage type set up...

Fig 1 Shows the basic idea....

The four outter circles are the 3.5" net pots I plan on useing. the center circle is the cool light and the large circle is the cage.

Questions regarding this design:

1. Should I stack 2 x 400w cool lights(I dont have 2 600s in the budget) and grow as high as it will go? If so what spacing should I go with in between bulbs and how long do you think I need to veg?

2. Should I go with 1 1000 w cool tube? If so how high should I go with the cage and what would be a good stationary distance from the cage to the plants?

Or we have fig 2..

This set up would only be able to get 2 400w max.

If I go with this design:

1. how high should my cages go?

2. How far should I have each netpot from

the cage/light?

So what do you think? Go with fig 1 setup or fig 2?

Should I not even screw with this plan and

hang a light?

Will post more about the actual hydo setup

once we figure out what to do about the


My eta on having all the materials to build

this is less then a month.

Any feedback/help/advise is most welcome!



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't even consider vertical in a 5'x5' area (with HID lights). It would be impossible to get the plants far enough away not to burn.

4 plants in a 5x5 with an air cooled 1000w sounds familiar though ;) That'll work!