Help me design my grow space


Active Member
Heres my situation. I want to grow about three plants in my room. In my room theres one window that opens and closes, and the window is nicely set up in the corner of the room. Things to use as walls/ barriers are: a 5' tall and 2' wide dresser, a 3' high and 4' wide desk, some large pieces of cardboard, and a few big white desk things I have used as reflectors in previous grows. My previous grow failed because I believe it was in my closet and there was little to no ventilation besides a few small fans I had. I have to make it somewhat stealthy, but stealth is not really a concern at all, just because I have some people over sometime. I live in Los Angeles, and it does get hot which is a huge concern, Iv thought about using some window covers or something but that might cut down circulation? I'm hoping for us bright stoners to come together and figure something creative out. I provided a picture, its a little out of context haha but bare with me. In the right corner you see the large window with the blinds. To the left of the window is my dresser, to the right /in front is my desk. I also have much taller large white wooden desk like objects we can use for walls/reflectors. Any ideas on how I can do this? Thanks so much for your help guys.

