Help me design my closet


Well-Known Member
Im just purchasing a new condo, and Ive got a closet that Im going to use. Its about 3x3x12, but I got some questions. My problem is that its going to be on the first floor of the condo, so its going to be a heavy traffic area. Im going to keep it locked of course with both a key and a magnetic rfid lock.

How should i creat aireflow throughout the room? Im thinking I need to put a small 2x2 hole in the door for the intake.

How should I control the exhaust?
Is it possible for me to cut a 4 in hole in the drywall and duct a carbon filter and pump the exhaust through the walls? Its a 2 level condo, so if my carbon filter fails, would the smell go through the walls?

Are the plastic dry wall screws going to be strong enough to hold the lights and a reflector?

What good are the tents, and do I need to do anything special to the walls if they are already white?
