Help Making Organic Soil Mix With Limited Ingredients ?!!

I grow in a mix of 1/e soil, 1/3 perlite and 1/3 peat. I put like 3 inches of small stone on the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket and put guano as a top dressinng. But those supplies you got will do you swell. just be sure to thoroughly mix your soil to avoid hot spots.
maybe some guano but that is expensive. looks like your doing better than me all i got is worm casting garden compost and peat moss, and im feeding a tea with the same every week, how about some kelp? anyways i think you got it covered
Throw some blackstrap molasses into the tea for some extra frosting on those flowers, it has micronutes that help the roots take up other nutrients as well.
no not the same stuff. You can use other types of molasses, they just have less and raw minerals in them. cane sugar or syrup will just attract flies and gnats. Though somw people do add a little of honey to teas. Most grocery stores, or especially health-food stores(wholefoods) will have blackstrap molasses or atleast unsulphered, which is what you want if you can't get blackstrap. It should be only $3-5 for a 350ml bottle.