Newbie here, I’m at week four of my Alcapulco gold seedling and it is starting to ..act up. I’ve seen nitrogen deficiency pop up every time I’ve looked it up. Any help would be awesome!


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Seedling probably been put in to hot soil mix. Sprout in jiffy pellets or seedling mix next time. But we need more info to help properly. Like what soil and what's your input to the plant? Water only or nutrient solution?
I wish you wouldn't give up completely. A lot of new growers struggle. Mostly due to over loving their plants. There are some rather simple methods of there but every one of them are a practice in restraint and patience. Also, unless you can grow outside and your soil is good, there is some investment needed in both time and money, but once your setup is going you'll have more weed than you can smoke.
Don’t be so hard on yourself. Growing can be frustrating. You just need to find your niche. Is outdoors an option? Much easier and cheaper to use Mother Nature than trying to recreate it. I struggle indoors still, but it’s part of the learning process in finding what works best for YOU.. The challenge is part of what I find fun!! Good luck! If you wanna keep her going get a good soil mix in a different pot and transplant.
I appreciate it man lol I feel pretty defeated lol like this thing is a dwarf w less chromosomes than a West Virginia pair…I just can’t.. I almost ate it lol. Cause I was so bummed lmao
did pull it up
You don't need to start buying again. Just do some more research.

Try starting here...
I wish you wouldn't give up completely. A lot of new growers struggle. Mostly due to over loving their plants. There are some rather simple methods of there but every one of them are a practice in restraint and patience. Also, unless you can grow outside and your soil is good, there is some investment needed in both time and money, but once your setup is going you'll have more weed than you can smoke.
If I was in a legal state, I’d totally try again but I’m not so I mean it doesn’t feel worth it.
Whats that got to do with it. Illegal the first time wasnt it. Success seldom comes first shot. No offense but if you had the courage to buy and try one time why stop. Busted is busted wether hay or high test
Legal as in like it would be SOOO much easier to get my hands on seeds or clones or what not. It took me so long to get just this one seed lmaooo I do not believe I’m qualified lol.