Help!! Left for 2 days and come back to this!


New Member
I think its nutrients burn. Leaves are turning yellow and curling up. first thing I did was flush with water. No noots for a while.. Any other advice.. she is small and in bloom. don,t want to loose her now. Northern light auto..
This is my first grow ever and Im freaking out!



u sloved ur own problem,back off on the nutes,i grow autos all the time,give a 1/4 of the nutes as a regular pheno plant would need


Well-Known Member
Your leaves will curl under from over fertilization. (Claw)
Yours are curling over. your leaf edges are curling up.
Possible Potassium, and Magnesium deficiency- IMO

Since you Flushed, you'll get to start from square one.

Good Luck on Your Grow.