HELP! Leaves turning dark purple!

So I'm 23 days into flower and I recently noticed leaves on the mid/lower part of the plants are turning dark purple and some yellow. From what I've read it seams like it could be a nitrogen deficiency. Is it too early in flower to be seeing a nitrogen deficiency? We had some cold temps last week but the temp never went below 50 in the tent at night.


Well-Known Member
50 is pretty low and its likely that caused the purpling and maybe the yellowing if everything else is in check. I never let my room get below 60 prefer 65...except last week of flowering if i really want my buds to color up. If you are going from 80 to 50 this can shock em a lil bit and also increases chances of powdery mildew with a 30 degree swing. 15 degree swing seems to be optimal.

Did you feed flowering nutes or veg nutes in the first two weeks of 12/12? Some strains will yellow early if nit given veg nutes during the stretch period.