Help its the first time i grow! kaya is 2 months old !


Active Member
blessings from the middle east ! haha yeahh im growing this right here in beirut but hushhhh i was just wondering does she look healthy to you ? i took two clones off of her yesterday its the first time i grow i dont know if i did it right though... i planted the clones in soil and without rooting gel since we dont have that stuff over here will they survive ? one of the clones leaf turned almost all yellow does that mean shes gonna die ?

what im really concerned about is the height shes growing a little bit tall and a month from now my neighboors are gonna be able to spot her what do i do ? i heard cutting the top off helps by making it grow wider instead of tall but im too scared of hurting her i dont want to do it wrong HELP ME ! we wanna smoke some buds and where i live weed is epically expensive cz people only smoke hash and im bored of hashh i need some buds like the ones i smoked in the states thats wheere i got the seeds from i dont really know what strain it is i just know i got really baked when i smoked it!

can you tell if shes sativa or indica?

shes only getting sunlight from 6am to 12pm is that okay ? should i water her at night or during the day and how often?

Shes the only plant in the world that ever mattered to me:cry:. I LOVE YOU KAYA !



Well-Known Member
Yea man it looks pretty healthy, if your worried about how tall it will get I would start researching topping "cutting the top" or lst training "tieing down". Either way good luck! Oh and yea not sure if the clones will make it without the gel but they shouldn't be in direct light right away so that might be part of the problem. try to give them a couple hours direct sunlight a day and gradually increase. Leave them in the shade for now..