HELP ITS AN EMERGENCY!!!!!!!!!! with pics


Active Member
Last Nite My Fan In My Growroom Got Unplugged Somehow And The Temperature Reached Into The 90's My Plant Got Fried With Crunchy Leaves And Most Of It Is Wilted. My Temp Usually Is Between 76 And 82. Is There Any Thing I Can Do To Help Revive This Thing?



Well-Known Member
that sucks do people go in your room or is the plug in a place where someone can kick it out


Active Member
my girl admitted to accidentally knocking the plug out. i felt like knockin her out lol. anyway i hope my plant gets better. thanks for any info. here is a pic b4 it got burned.



Well-Known Member
i don't think there are any permanent effects other then shock mate, my temps are always about 90 and they seem to be doing fine. :roll: All the best!



Active Member
i decided to introduce my plant to a little darkness im starting by giving it 4 hours. maybe this will help revive it. any input or more ideas would be helpful.

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
It will be fine. Water it and you should have at least two fans in there anyways for more current as well as girlfriends(they never seem to care about paying attention to these things as much as us..)


Well-Known Member
don't hit that bitch! there are 3 things women come out on top of.... custody battles, divorce and domestic disputes! ... wait, i guess that's everything :|


Well-Known Member
if it is green it is all good, as long as the color has not left the leavves the plant will revive itself just dont over water


Active Member
yea they can stay green, but burned leafs do tend to be less efficient at collecting light and photosynthesizing. Something like this happened to me, i just trimmed the worst of the worst leaves and left the rest and it bounced back great with new leaves being soft and nice. 2 fans might not be a bad plan if the temp gets up that high either but i suppose you would've been fine had that one not turned off.


Well-Known Member
I recently like an idiot put a hoppin about of cfl's to close to my plants....I didnt think it would matter because cfl's dont get to hot...but forget about the lumen factor and it was like the sun being inches from my poor baby's leaves....The top ones got kind of crunchy and not to bad being i will be watching yours and let you know what mine do also....Im so bummed...


Well-Known Member
I think you are screwed now. Mine got burned and never came back. There is a point of no return for heat stress, definetly