Help, is my plant dying?



Thank you for your time and here are my growing problems:

The plants always have been lime green or yellow since I got them about 4 weeks ago. I think they was dark green when I got the clones (one God Bud, rest are Sliver Haze) so I am positive that I am doing something wrong here. I think it is from lack of nute which I will discuss in a little bit below. Two of the clones basically did not grow at all while others grew slowly and are leggy (stretched between nodes, I believe that is what they call it). Most of the young leaves are folded under like a upside down canoes, and seems to be getting worst slowly. Leave edges is now closer to each other than what it was last night and are about to touch each other (see pics attached). The folded under, claw/inverted canoe leaves problems seems to be worst lately, while the lime green/yellow seems to get some what better in last few days. I did many things and I am not sure which one I did is the cause.

They got spider mites two weeks ago which I did not realize until the leaves started to yellow and die off but seems like I got the mites under control after I started to spray them with neem, cinnamon and clove oil mixed with Dr. Bronner's Peppermint soap and even bought some CO2 to poison them. I did not use all at the same time, see below for dose and schedule. When I got the CO2 tank, I also tried to run the cab a little bit warmer (80 to 85 degree) and injected a little bit of CO2 full time but stopped that after a week except for weekly mite poisoning because I am afraid that I am killing the plants with CO2 and heat as well. I do not have a CO2 ppm meter.

I had an algae problem in the tank last week which I solved by adding 3oz of hydrogen peroxide per gallon and then flush the tank twice. I added insulation around the tank to keep the light out and did not see any new algae since. The tank runs cooler now and did not add any more H2o2 since last Sunday which was only 2 teaspoon per gallon to prevent new algae from growing.

About the nutes: I am using Advanced Nutrients (AN) grow part A and B without using any other additives. The grow store told me to use the AN's on line calculator which says to use two times the amount as what is said on the bottle! So anyway, I wanted to be cautious and followed the bottle direction instead, starting at 1/4 dose with the clones and increased by 1/4 every two days until full dose according to the bottle which is 4ml per liter. That was about a months ago (plants are about 4 weeks old now). Last Sunday, thinking that I did not put in enough nutes, so I decided to follow AN's on line calculator's direction which is about 8ml per liter. I poured in all of the missing 4ml per liter into the tanks at once and forgot to break up the dose into two steps but seems like that did not kill the plants since it is almost 4 days now. A few leaves turned dark green, and most seems to turn little more green but still is lime green or yellow. Water in tank pH seems to be better, went from about 6.5 to 5.5. Is the plant lacking nutes causing the lime green leaves? The AN's on line calculator suggested one oz per gallon of B-52 and one oz of VooDoo juice too which I don't use. Is that why I am having problems?

Right now, I am trying to adjust the room air temp to average 72 degree since that I am not using CO2 anymore. I do not have a fan controller that cycles but I have a fan switch that controls the fan speed. I have a 450 cfm fan venting the air into attic which probably is a little bit too big and would suck air back out vent pipe for water heater and even sewer fume out of a dry floor drain pipe in utility closet. Just adding a little water to the drain stopped the fume! Today's air temp was 71 low/80 high in the closet. I will keep on try to adjust the fan for a little cooler temps like 68 low/75 high. I am afraid the closet is loud with the fan running at this high rate of speed. (I am hearing imparied and is totally deaf!)

Okay, here is my growing equipment specs and schedule:

Bubble hydroponic system, I studied and copied this information on the internet: One tub is a 18 gallon instead of 8 gallon as in the tutorial.

Rockwool and hydrorock in 3.75" cups

I am using a 18 gallon and a 5 gallon tubs. Currently water are at around 69 degrees, but was at around 75, as high as 77 before adding insulation around the tanks few days ago. Tanks are flushed weekly with new water and nutes.

AN (Advanced Nutrients) nutes grow part A and B, 8ml per liter but only 4ml per liter for almost four weeks before last Sunday. Was 6.0 to 6.5 but now 5.5 with the extra nutes since Sunday and slowly raised to 6.0 as of this morning. My understanding is that you don't adjust pH using AN nutes.

Lighting: 600 watt Hortilux Eye Super HPS bulb pugged in a 600 watt dimmable ballast from Lumtak, with the switch at 360 watt postion. On for 12/7 for about 4 weeks so far and I don't plan to flower soon since that the plants are sick. I plan to turn the switch over into Super Lumens postion after few days into flowering. I am hanging the light about 12 inches off tallest plant and 22 off shortest plant. Is this dimmed light causing my problem? I don't think so, what about you?

Mite control dose and schedule:

I am trying to follow this direction and schedule:

Mondays: 1oz neem oil and 2 teaspoon Dr. Bronners Peppermint Castle Soap per gallon.

Wednesday: CO2 at 10,000 ppm for 4 hours using a on-line calculator for CO2 flow rate.

Fridays: 1/4 t cinnamon oil, 1/2 t clove oil and 1/2 t Dr. Bronner Soap per 16 oz water.
(says that it is very strong mixture, tested on few leaves first two weeks ago and then entire plants last Friday, doesn't seem to effect the plants)

Think I had alot of the mite solution run off into tanks turning the water milky last week before I added plastic covering on top to minimize the run off into tanks. That milky water is flushed out long time ago. Could that have caused the nut lock out?

I used cotton balls dipped in water to remove the mites when I first noticed them and doubt that I will be doing this again since that they are gone. Excessive handling seems to stress them out which I have been doing for last couple of weeks trying to control mites, learning how to drain water effectively and other works. I also topped two, fimmed two, bent one plants and left others alone as an experiment, just right before I figured out the mite problem which might have added to the stress.

I noticed that leaves closer to walls are greener. It could be from the bad closet design such fan placement? I am scared to have the fans blow directly into the plants. I would like to have some expert look at my closet and tell me if I should just abandon the closet and sell the duplex. My other place has a basement which may be a better place for grows.

If any one knows what is wrong with my plants, please reply and it will be greatly appreciated.




Huh? Need to be at 10,000 ppm to kill mites, correct? I have the closet sealed shut. Including taped intake and exhaust vent while the CO2 posioning. Already done that three times in last two weeks, with the light out for four hours. I do not have a meter but according to on line calculator, I set the regulator flow rate on my 20 lb tank at only .5 or 1.0 cfh for 4 hours.


Well-Known Member
Half that kills you let alone a plant
I am no credible source in this matter. Dont take my words as credible information, I simply butted in, just 10,000 ppm alerted me as not good at all, in fact fatal. So yes prob does kill spider mites


I am using neem oil spray and it seems to get rid of the mites. Problem is that the plants still are sick and probably was before the mites.


I just looked at that on-line CO flow rate calculator again, actually it says that it will take about 40 minutes to bring my grow closet up to 10,000 ppm if I set my CO2 regulator flow rate at 1.0 cfh. I just left it like that for 4 hours without the light on. If I understand correctly, the plants won't use CO2 while there is no light therefore, any amount of CO2 won't kill the plants as long there is no light.


One thing that I noticed is, right after I added extra dose of nute last weekend as described above (4ml vs 8ml per liter), two sets of leaves on one plant turned dark green over night while other leaves on the plant stay yellow or lime green. See posted picture #5. I really think the lack of nutes is my problem, what do you think?


I think I figured it out. I am having root rots! From allowing too much light in the tank for first three weeks and algae had attacked the roots. Now, I need to figure out how to save the plants. One plant's root is all rotten and already started to break off in pieces.