Help identifying issue.


Well-Known Member
The spotting looks cal mag to me but then again I’m fighting my own problems that look real similar and can’t figure em out. I’ve narrowed mine down to a few based on the appearance of the problems and like I said looks similar to yours - cal mag, root rot/other root issue, or fungus gnats. Imma be following for anyone else’s advice on this.
Good luck my friend!


Well-Known Member
I think it looks like a fungal type of issue, you could mist with 1:9 hydrogen peroxide: water mixture during lights off and see if that helps. Very lightly mist, you don't want to drench the flowers. Also you can do a soil drench with the same solution for fungus gnats. Unfortunately it will kill the microbial life in the soil, so a few days later I would re-innoculate with mycorrhiza. There is also Bt for the fungus gnats. :weed: (: :peace:


Well-Known Member
Likely lockout. Either from pH or from some sort of element antagonist from the additional soil amendments.

I'm still on my first cup of coffee so take what say with a grain of salt.