Help!! I have to get rid of my grow ASAP can I start flushing???


Active Member
My landlord told me today that he doesn't like what I'm doing and needs me to get rid of my setup asap because its a fire hazard. He's completely cool with smoking weed, but doesn't want me growing it. I'm at the end of week 4 and I wanted to know if I could start flushing so maybe I can get these girls out of the light in over a week. I was planning on flushing during week 9, I may have a friends place I can move them to but probably not so I need to figure something out soon. My landlord told me I could move them outdoors which I may do but that isn't my ideal choice.

What should I do? Will flushing next week really mess up my girls? Should I move them outdoors? Please help me I am in a desperate situation!!

Here is what they looked like three days ago


The Potologist

Active Member
Well, first I recommend that you take a deep breath. I dont like to say this, but the idea of putting them outdoors, would be a total loss for you. I am sorry to say, you are in between a rock and a hard place. Your best bet is to flush with unsulphured molasses and begin harvest at your max date. I would try to delay your landlord for as long as possible. The longer, the more weight you are looking at. At this point, its not a total loss, but quality is going to be poor, and weight is going to be just as equal. However, at least you would be harvesting. Putting them outdoors, would fuck them up three ways from sunday. I am sorry for your loss brotha! I feel your pain, all to well. P.S. Awesome video and tunes. I almost forgot what I was doing, got caught up in the song :)

Peace, Love, and Happiness


Active Member
I appreciate your response and help. I really dont want to move them outdoors so Im not going to. I'm thinking of starting to use Overdrive on Monday and then flushing a week from Monday the cutting around the 21st. I really want to delay this long enough to get something decent because I've spent so much time and research into doing this, not to mention money, to not get something good would be a nightmare. I am going to test one of the plants and see if I even feel the slightest effect to see if it will even be worth it if I had to start flushing this Monday.


Well-Known Member
turn them into oil... the bud will be of too low quality for toking.

should make some OK oil though if you leave them a couple more weeks.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
how about moving them outside just for the 12hrs light and then taking them back inside into your grow room so they still get solid 12/12 and then you landlord doesn't have to worry about the electrics and fingers crossed you'll still get some decent bud, the other option is if your legal make it safe and get it checked unless your running alot of lights their shouldn't be a problem. as some1 already said taking them outside and leaving them isn't an option unless the lighting schedule is the same, i took 1 from my grow room because it out grew the light and i put it out in the green house with others vegging and within 2 days i had to put it out of it's misery, if it were me mate i'd move them in and out everyday.


My first question how/why did your landlord get to see you beauties? That was the first mistake unless he just intruded maybe checking because of light bill or smell. If you are around 6 weeks flower if you can hold off 2 more weeks I dont think it will be too bad. If you have a balcony the in and outside thing might work 12/12 ofcourse.


Well-Known Member
4 weeks in flowering is nothing.

Also, I dont see how putting them outside would fuck them up? Get some fungicide and some insecticide. Find a nice sunny spot, but not too sunny. Plant and water. 5 more weeks you will have 3x the bud you have at week 4

The Potologist

Active Member
how about moving them outside just for the 12hrs light and then taking them back inside into your grow room so they still get solid 12/12 and then you landlord doesn't have to worry about the electrics and fingers crossed you'll still get some decent bud, the other option is if your legal make it safe and get it checked unless your running alot of lights their shouldn't be a problem. as some1 already said taking them outside and leaving them isn't an option unless the lighting schedule is the same, i took 1 from my grow room because it out grew the light and i put it out in the green house with others vegging and within 2 days i had to put it out of it's misery, if it were me mate i'd move them in and out everyday.
Depending on where he lives, that could cause complete tragedy. Sun spectrum is very important to a flowering plant. Putting a flowering plant out in mid july is just a recipe for disaster. Completely wrong spectrum.


Well-Known Member
Have you tried explaining the situation to the landlord? Maybe if you explained that you needed another month to six weeks before getting rid of it all, and then you would promise never to grow again he might be convinced to let you finish. Also, work out how much the grow is worth financially to you and then offer maybe half that to the landlord as a good will payment to encourage him to let you finish this one grow (and also agree to pay for any fire damage is the unlikely does occur before the end of this grow). Not sure how suitable this advice is, but if he knows your growing and hasnt reported you then maybe its worth a shot. :peace:


Active Member
how about moving them outside just for the 12hrs light and then taking them back inside into your grow room so they still get solid 12/12 and then you landlord doesn't have to worry about the electrics and fingers crossed you'll still get some decent bud, the other option is if your legal make it safe and get it checked unless your running alot of lights their shouldn't be a problem. as some1 already said taking them outside and leaving them isn't an option unless the lighting schedule is the same, i took 1 from my grow room because it out grew the light and i put it out in the green house with others vegging and within 2 days i had to put it out of it's misery, if it were me mate i'd move them in and out everyday.
I wish I could do that, I would jump on that right away. My problem is that my lights in the tent don't turn ON until 6pm and turn OFF at 6am as to reduce heat in the tent. So unless there is a way to rework my plants' light schedule then I can't do that even though I'd like to because my landlord did say that he was completely fine with that.

And I am legal, I live in So Cal and have a valid recommendation. I'm just using a 400w HPS, I'm home most of the time unless I'm at work and I have a roommate who is also home when I'm at work so there's pretty much somebody there 24/7 to make sure nothing is going wrong.

My first question how/why did your landlord get to see you beauties? That was the first mistake unless he just intruded maybe checking because of light bill or smell. If you are around 6 weeks flower if you can hold off 2 more weeks I dont think it will be too bad. If you have a balcony the in and outside thing might work 12/12 ofcourse.
My roommate grew two small plants outdoors in our little back patio area that's fenced off and nobody can see it (unless you're upstairs). I was talking to my landlord from the patio to the upstairs where he was and he was looking directly at them and didn't say anything about them. My roommate and I noticed a few weeks ago that our heater wasn't working (not that we needed to use it, we just noticed the pilot light was out). I knew right then and there the landlord came in and blew it out and then just walked around the apartment to make sure nothing was wrong and needed fixing and naturally saw my tent in my room and the light blaring. It took him over a month and a half after that to finally say something to use telling us that the light in there is a "fire hazard" but was being as cool as he could about it. Told us to finish up outside or get rid of them. He also got the electric bill which was about $25 or $30 more than it should've been for the past two months and gave it to us as he usually takes care of it. I want to explain that I will pay electric and that I want to finish this run and be done and never do it again (in this apartment, obviously time for a new place to live since this is something I plan on continuously doing), show him my recommendation and hope he agrees to turn his head for another month while I finish up. I'm just nervous about approaching him with that because he's been this cool so far, I don't want to push my luck even though I'm not breaking the state law whatsoever.

Have you tried explaining the situation to the landlord? Maybe if you explained that you needed another month to six weeks before getting rid of it all, and then you would promise never to grow again he might be convinced to let you finish. Also, work out how much the grow is worth financially to you and then offer maybe half that to the landlord as a good will payment to encourage him to let you finish this one grow (and also agree to pay for any fire damage is the unlikely does occur before the end of this grow). Not sure how suitable this advice is, but if he knows your growing and hasnt reported you then maybe its worth a shot. :peace:
This is great advice and its something I've been contemplating for the last 24 hours. I'm just about to be starting week 5 on Monday, so if he were to be cool I just need til the end of week 9 and I'm gold. I just don't want to piss him off even though he's been extremely cool about it thus far. And he's known about it for a couple months and just now brought it up, which is strange but not necessarily bad, maybe he just wants a little money out of it for electric and peace of mind.


Active Member
don't have much more time so I'm just doing another bump to see if anybody has some more advice or input.

Thanks in advance!