HELP!!! I have no idea whats problems...


Active Member
ok, so here is my setup:
400HPS cool tube
3x1.5x4 Tent
proper intake and exhaust fans
26.5 degrees constant
osiclating fan
store bought nutes(plant prod) 15-30-15
18 days into flower cycle
Strain is Pass Skunk
Hempy Buckets with perilite and vermiculite
I water every two/three days with nutes at full strength

So I've had problems with this since the beginning, brown spots appearing on leaves as you can see from the pics. Now some of the upper canopy leaves are turning upside down. I let it grow too much for my tent and top canopy could be too close to the light, but my last run worked out fine and it was approx same height. My light cannot be moved any higher, i could slide plants closer to the wall and the light heat should be less. But i don't believe this is the problem...I think its a defficiency of something, however I'm new to this growing thing and the answer eludes me, so I turn to the experts....please help..hoping i can still salvage my harvest...

