HELP!! I Broke the top off my Plant

hello..well i am 12 days into flower and the plants are doing great, but i completely ran out of room to raise my light (600 hps) in my closet grow...i know, i didnt plan correctly and vegged way too long. so i decided to train down and super crop the main colas and upper shoots. when i was bending one down, it snapped completely off!!..about 4 inches down. so i used a blade and re-cut the stem just below the break at an angle and am not sure whats gonna happen. it was one of the main cola tops. i only topped the plant once in veg but i ended up with 3-4 main tips that are equal is size and height that will become the colas. so the other tops/tips are still there. what damage have i done and what should i expect to see?? Also..since i am only 2 weeks into flower and i have maybe 3 inches of extra room to raise lights, what can i do to combat this issue since i have painted myself in a corner?? 1st time closet grow so be gentle on the comments, ok?
you might not get that bud back but i have saved them before by splinting and taping you will lose some yield but the other buds might get bigger you still halve some time to grow so you need to be more careful of shit . try tying down branches and gradually making them lower. but next time try topping in veg

aussie (OZ) grower

Active Member
chances are that nothing will happen and the site will become inert due to redistribution of hormones, if your real lucky it might form 2 colas, but theyll be small. dont worry about it whats done is done and it wont cause any ill effects to your plant, good luck hope your grow works out