HELP HELP! Clone is almost dead!!

My clone is a week old and i dont know whats happening! He was healthy but started to rot like that. My growing medium was jiffy but no root has started (i used clonex). Now he is in a water cup with a ph 6.3 and some changes happened: it began to get more green and strong but dont know what to do to him next.
(you can notice the leaves are all rolled up)

It's my first attempt to grow and any hints are acceptable!!


Active Member
dude it looks like it didn't take some air probably got in between the cut before you hit it with its hormone place it in come dirt in a cup and put it in a humidome and hope for the best


all i can say is . Rockwool starter cubes water plant in advance so its nice n juicy,take cutting apply clone hormone gently put into rockwool cube use a humidome and mist 2-5 times a day.
thas how i do it no heating pad 20 on 4 off lighting and i so far have a 100% success rate.up to 50 clones succesfuly now.
i also scrape the stalk with the razor and it seems that that helps for multiple root formation sites. with these methods i have roots in less than 2 weeks easy.


Well-Known Member
Your drowning it. Rockwool or soil not strait water unless you have some sort of bubbler system... good luck