help guy i need a feed chart for house & garden coco A+A bud xl top boost please read


hey guys just a quick 1 here, i after a good feed chart of sum1 using
house & garden coco A+B
Bud XL
Top boost
shooting powder

i have currently 4 super cheese plants in week1 flowering
i do water mixes with 10liter and i do 4 in all giving my res a 40liter res feeding 4plants in coco on a wilma
my res mix on this week 1 flowering was 40ml A 40ml B 10ml multizyme in 10liters of tap water ive forgotten to say i have a waterbut that i fill 24hours before i do my res change so my water has been sitting for 24hours before i use it for my fresh res
ill upload some pics as soon as i sorted my cam out so you can see were im at and if my plants can handle more nutz
i could do with a good feed chart as i say im just going off my head here and how the plants are looking but i think they could handle more
there a lovely dark green all over the hole plant itself there stand pukka!!
ill upload pics asap
help me out growers please!!


Well-Known Member
well the trouble is u have a mixed line of products

so they do not have just one plan to fallow

to get what u need u have to do the work ............................u need to look up each product and get the use info on it then make the chart yourself
here is a pick of my product line feed sheet (it will not apply to u but it is something u can use to base your own chart off in making it )
