help for great lakes outdoor grow next spring


Seed help for outdoor grow in the great lakes area

hi all,
I'm new to the world of grow and am looking for a little help from you sucsessful growers. I thinking about an outdoor in the east grow next year. I will be growing around lots of, pines, oak, streams and swamps. i am planning to bring in soil to mix with the natural stuff and will be around to water and fetilize. I will start from seed in the winter growing indoor and clone so i have strong small plants to put out after frost.

1. i am thinking about growing puprle, kush and pinewarp. are thoughs god strains for the area given temperture and humidityof south central/east canada? any recomondations?

2 i would be in a pretty isolated area that is not known for growing, but am thinking about small groups of plants spread out over a large area (miles). should i worry about planes and hele's? what is the best way to hide from the sky?

3 Are there any strains that would like go grow in a marshy bog area?



Active Member
take out all details , and just write the details of the weather type and what type of land your gonna be doing it in , no location things no Province, no Names of territory , ect ect .

do a google search ( marijuana canada seeds ) they good site - check the " 7 dwarfs " seeds

they are all huge yielders , good for outdoor .

you cant hide from the sky, but you can position your things , in a way that when they do fly over, they wont see it as a marijuana plant .

normally , id find a hole in the woods, where light gets into it from the east then right down to the west, but the north and south would be covered and cant see from those angles , then id put 2 right there, then move around 20 meters away then do it again .


Active Member
also , if swampy - muddy , then you should get yourself a couple of bags of perlite . its the product that will make the water drain , and not just clump up and create mold, that will drain it


Well-Known Member
I see a problem with your soil PH it will probably too acidic and need lime incorporated into it to get to a proper level. Lime takes quite a while to do it's magic.
In regards to strains I'd get something early maturing like autoflowering ones to beat the aerial searches.


Active Member
pro-mix , potting and seeding Complete multi-mix formula

get that soil , its the super good peatmoss of canada , with Perlite and limestone

cant get any better then that! lol


Well-Known Member
your gonna have bug problems, spray lots of nematodes man.

and Timewarp is your best bet man. the most resilient plant ive ever seen. and the potency and taste are incredible. not to mention they pretty much grow themselves.


Active Member
oh , i think eummm , let me check real quick

Flowering outdoor: Finishes end October in northern hemisphere, production up to 1000 gr/plant.

:) Super lemon haze . cant beat that strain for your conditions.
if you wanan beat in yielding go with Strawberry diesel ( my secret :> )


Active Member
As time goes on, somehow you are going to get spider mites (super tiny black thingies on underside of leaves) and thrips (super tiny white thingies on underside of leaves). These can affect your growth and yield as they suck nutrients out of the leaves. For these you want Neem, which is non-toxic and can be used up to day of harvest. Sevin -- don't even go near the stuff, as smoking anything that has been sprayed with it can pose serious health problems. I use Sevin on my roses, not my vegetables or herbs.

you can try soap with water, and if not affective, then use that and should work .


Well-Known Member
man Timewarp is hands down the best marijuana for canada. it is very weather and mold resistent which is good for his area of growing. all these other strains are very good not hating on them, but they dont compare to timewarp. BEST...hands down BEST, outdoor marijuana strain for Canada.
I just threw a few seeds i had left after i completely planted my 4 spots. and i checked that random spot like mid october, we had frost 2 times. I came to a 3' tall timewarp plant, VERY potent, and i didnt check that bitch all summer. and it can withstand frost. the random spot i threw them in was kinda a marshy area, and they had NO mold problems.


Well-Known Member
As time goes on, somehow you are going to get spider mites (super tiny black thingies on underside of leaves) and thrips (super tiny white thingies on underside of leaves). These can affect your growth and yield as they suck nutrients out of the leaves. For these you want Neem, which is non-toxic and can be used up to day of harvest. Sevin -- don't even go near the stuff, as smoking anything that has been sprayed with it can pose serious health problems. I use Sevin on my roses, not my vegetables or herbs.
where can you get neem oil? and nematodes work good aswell.


Well-Known Member
pro-mix , potting and seeding Complete multi-mix formula

get that soil , its the super good peatmoss of canada , with Perlite and limestone

cant get any better then that! lol
yeah what he said, If you would have said you don't mind lugging in 40 pound bales of soil for miles then I would have recommended the same.


Active Member
couple of places sells it, write this in google ( buy neem oil ) then type in witch province is close to you , and ya timewarp seems like your best bet in strains for b.c even my website says it