Help for a rdwc noob


Hey all,
Trying to figure out whether this is a deficiency or excess.

Setup is homemade rdwc with 5 gal buckets with netlids/hydroton, Gh 3 part,R/O water that was at 6-6.2ph and is now at 5.7-6.The white/yellow/twisted leaf tips showed up 2 weeks into flower.5 days ago I flushed out the 750ppm nutes and replaced with 400ppm thinking it was over fert.I also added some calmag.Since then all ive noticed is growth seems to have slowed so not sure if it is overfert.



New Member
That's nothing.. you might be running your ppm a tad hot or ph out of wack. They look ok for now really, just monitor and relax.

Usually when over feeding the plants will slow down when you change to lower ppm, so don't think your under feeding them at that ppm neither. Best way to check is to read ppm then wait 24/48 hours and read again if higher you are over feeding, lower and they need more.


Thanx BBC,

My main concern with my setup is to fill the system to max capacity takes about 35 gal. Everyday I have to replenish 11-14 gal under intense but cool/dry environment.Got 11 buckets with big kids so that why I leaned towards the Overfert.Also every shoot(branch end) from top to bottom shows the same defeciency, so im thinking of juicing them more w/ the gh 3 part only...:?