Help: Flowering and WHITE leaves


Active Member
Hello all,

I am back with a question. I am in week four of flowering and have lower fan leaves turning white. I am not providing any nutes at the moment just purified bottled water. Plants are under an HPS for 12/12.

Thanks in advance for your help.

How about those Red Devils. Ronaldo can go to Real. Sell him and buy Mesi!



Well-Known Member
those ones start to die naturaly at the end of thier cycle. seems abit soon though probably lack of nitrogen since your not using nutes


Active Member
Thanks Bonz. In general how does the plant look? I will look at picking up some nutes with N in them.


Well-Known Member
plants look a bit droopy( pic on the left) could be from lack of need a low n nute at this stage of flower though. mine is 1.5/5/4. at 4 weeks i am usualy stopping the nitrogen. are those 5 gallon buckets,what kind of soil, and how often and how much do you water.was ther any nutes at all?


Well-Known Member
That white on the big fan leaves in the last pic, that's not natural. Could be powdery mildew or maybe residue from being sprayed with something? I am going through powdery mildew right now my self- that's the only reason I noticed.


Well-Known Member
that could be reason it`s abit droopy maybee to wet. not letting dry enough between watering. or it`s just a reflection.


Active Member

Thanks for the input. I believe the pic you are referring to is a result of the picture not what is present on the leaves. It does appear "powdery" in the photo but not in person.

I have the plants in 5 gallon buckets. I water usually every three days and or when the leaves begin to show signs of drooping. It is now time for watering actually. I have lava rock on the bottom three inches for drainage and a potting soil mix that came with nutes mixed in etc. Other than that I have used a bit of worm castings in tea bags for watering. The plants seem to be losing the appearance of bushiness and are almost looking like nothing but bud. If I thought that was healthy I wouldnt sweat it but I am thinking other wise. I have two plants actually. The other is a bit healthier looking. I photod the one that looked the worst for it.
