Help! First grow.

Help! What does anyone think is wrong with my plant? Was doing fine in solo cup with drainage. It’s about 4 weeks old from sprout and looked good. Roots were not bound and had very nice white color. Leaves were healthy I knew I had to get it in a larger container. Within 2 days I had this claw affect. I reported into 3 gallon pot and watered with tap water that had set for 48 hours. Now 3 days later the plant looks the same. No other plants have this issue. Before repotting I was using General Hydroponics Veg and Micro nutes at 1/2 strength and only when the top inch of soil was dry and my cup was noticeably light weight. Since repotting I have used water only. btw these were free seeds, I don’t even know what they are. I figured free was good for a first time go around to practice on. Light has been at 16/8, temp mid 70’s down to 63 with humidity ranging from 40-60 prior to this issue. My larger plants that are about 6 weeks from sprout and are doing great. If anyone had an idea of the possible strain then take a guess. 026EDFC9-5106-47FD-8996-D14345F12EC5.jpeg

Grow So High

Well-Known Member
Does this pot have drainage? It’s looking like you’re having some over watering issues. Let it completely dry out, water it good then let it get really dry again. Your pot should be light as a feather before every watering
Yes it has 6 good size drainage holes, 3 gallon pot. The top two inches for sure of the soil is dry. I’ve been up in the air about to wet or too dry but I always let them dry out before watering again so I kind of have a hard time going with too wet but anything is possible. Since I messed up and did not flush after 3 nutrient feeds. Too much of one thing or another makes more sense to me but what do I know. I’m the one yelling for HELP.
When I water do I need to soak the soil or just what they have been taking up in 2 or 3 days time? The plants are larger now and can stand more but when first moved to the 3 gallon pots I would only water close to the plant and not too deep. I did that so as not to have 4 inches of wet/damp soil but the top portion where the roots actually were being dry.
I want to compost my own soil but went with bagged because I have not started a compost yet.
What type of tea is this that I can use? I’m sure there’s a hundred different brands... How often is the tea recommended and what are other additives that are beneficial that would be recommended?