Help finding a blasting dish and heating source for my vac chamber


A great community here. RIU is my go to place when I am in dire need of direction and assistance. Usually I am able to just lurk and get my questions answered and I've done a few searches but can't find anything here that answer's my question. I apologize in advance if my queries missed it.

I have a little experience with a couple dozen runs and for awhile now have been researching better ways to refine my process. I want to purchase my setup right the first time and am willing to pay a little more if that's what it takes.

I've chosen to go with the open blast process and have been combing the internet for a couple weeks looking up part's and already have a few items purchased but i'm having issues choosing or finding a couple other's. I am open to all suggestions for upgrades or alternatives.

Here is a list of parts I have so far:
JB Ind. DV-3E 3 CFM -
ProVac 5 gal chamber
Oil slick pads - medical grade platinum cured. NOT for blasting ;p

A list of things I could really use some help with or couldn't finding anything satisfying:

First thing I need help with a heat source for my chamber. I was thinking of going with a custom Keenovo or trying a Best Value Vacs Heat Pad. If there happens to be a more ideal solution I've missed i don't know what it is.

Tubes. I really like the BestValueVacs 45g 90g or 135g stainless steel blasting tubes. I want to use SS because I don't like using glass. I've seen other sites with what appears to be a rubber top and prefer the safety and ease of use of the clamps.

Blasting dishes - I'm an old man and know that the old Pyrex was prime for manufacturing several products but these days it is nearly impossible to find. Is the new Pyrex any good for blasting or should I find a different product all together?

One more thing I need is a skillet or something for the hot water bath. I always used a two inch deep skillet but was hoping there was something better. I was holding off on this purchase until i decide on what blasting dish to use.

I think that's it for now. Thanks guys. I look forward to your responses.
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Well-Known Member
go to thrift stores for your Pyrex cheap and usually abundant supply . might even find a cheap electric skillet for the water bath/heat pad for the chamber