Help female or male Can't see!


Active Member
looks male to me m8 , but remember that males show first wae their balls so you have time to get rid before the polen comes, i would have waited just to be sure but anyhoo best of luck tae ye ma friend.....:leaf::leaf::leaf::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Looks claw-like to me... Itz hard to see for sure, but it def doesnt resemble the teardrop calyx, and I see no "V" of preflower stigmas, so I think itz a boy... Too bad...


Well-Known Member
IT LOOKS SAD and now i feel sad. it looks stretched as well what lighting u go there and how close is it your plant


Well-Known Member
looks like them are little balls it is growing. It looks very sickly anyway so your best starting from scratch. When the top starts to droop over like that you only have a small window to fix the problem.


Well-Known Member
ahhhh hahahaha ok this is the second thread in a row where someone did this....first off why are you asking you already pulled it out of the soil too late now..second of all if you cant see the preflowers yet in person how the hell are we going to see them in a pic??? .....hard lesson learned man you pulled that waaaaaaay too early you could have let it go another 1-2 weeks before even worrying and you would def have been able to tell before any sacks advice for sexing right here READ IT - everyone hypes up sexing when they havent seen it happen before but the truth is its super super easy to tell male from female, one of two things will happen if you give it some time, either you will get easily detectable long white hairs or you will get clusters of balls with no hairs..remember those balls will not pop until they are grown fully so you have until they are very very easily visible before you need to worry