Help do you work out the cost of your grow.

You can make free electricity from wind sun and water.tell me how you make your propane? Since we are dependant on sombody else and you are not?
If you truly think that electricity from the sun and water are "free", I'm at a stopping point on that topic. The idea that anything is "free" is a philosophical discussion.

The value of propane is that it's in the OP's back yard and he can access it any time. Electricity can be shut off with the flick of a switch. That's highly unlikely I will readily admit but it is a fact that when you sign up for net metering, the government has the right to control that meter. I do believe that the gov't in a location in Colorado did just that and it is naive to think that a government will not use any power which it has been granted. We have thousands of years of history that demonstrate that.
Make a gravity battery if you want to store electricity for a long time
If you're referring to pumped storage, that's used in very specific circumstances and can be cost effective. On a large scale, pumped storage has not proven to be cost effective, meaning economically viable in the long term without subsidy. IIRC, the Kiwis are trying to use it and they've run into issue.
If you truly think that electricity from the sun and water are "free", I'm at a stopping point on that topic. The idea that anything is "free" is a philosophical discussion.

The value of propane is that it's in the OP's back yard and he can access it any time. Electricity can be shut off with the flick of a switch. That's highly unlikely I will readily admit but it is a fact that when you sign up for net metering, the government has the right to control that meter. I do believe that the gov't in a location in Colorado did just that and it is naive to think that a government will not use any power which it has been granted. We have thousands of years of history that demonstrate that.
How do you shut off the sun and wind? Generator is just some wire and magnets compared to getting propane its a kids game to aquire

You do know people live off grid and easily get enough power for a whole year

Soo propane is beter than a free generator on a river
How do you shut off the sun and wind? Generator is just some wire and magnets compared to getting propane its a kids game to aquire

You do know people live off grid and easily get enough power for a whole year

Soo propane is beter than a free generator on a river
You're using the word "free". Again, we don't have much to discuss on this topic if you think anything is free.
You go outside you dig a hole get some stones melt them some are copper some are find some magnets on the shore you put it all together make a watermill from sticks you find
Tell that switzerland or norway. You just need the right topography.
Norway? ;-)
Lots of great topography but they have monstrous amounts of fossil fuels available, so much so that they hand out money to their citizens. Truly a bounty and it appears that it's being well managed. And, yes, it has the right topography.

And, in certain circumstances, it's viable. Geothermal is the same way and, like everything else, there are tradeoffs. Ask Iceland.

We have a lot of energy sources available, fortunately. Most of them can be employed in a cost effective manner. We're very lucky to have that. And, since fusion is just 10 to 15 years away, what we do know is just marking time, right?

("Fusion is 10 years away" is a running joke. It's been "10 years away" for decades)
But fision was here for a long time just people dont want to use it.most power plants are 50+ years old new ones could be a lot safer and better