Help Designing stealth grow box


Ok so im pretty new to this whole thing and need help designing a grow box. I want to house max 3 plants and would like different chambers for housing mama. please tell me what you know and where to get the supplies. keep in mind that im on a budget and this is only for my own use. Also need dimensions. Please if you know how tell me how to connect carbon filter to fan and where it needs to be placed. Thanks for everyone's help.

chief up :peace:


Yeah i like that design but is that for hydro or soil.. sorry i know my Q's are dumb but i just gotta be clear on everything before i sink money into it.


Active Member
you could place the fans where the outer red lines are on the diagram, if your goin on a budget just get some bathroom extract fans.make sure u flip one so there not both extract.

the air outlet would be the best place for the carbon filter, fit the fan then then fit the filter to the outside of the box, then wen the air is pulled out the box it will be pushed through the filter and odour gone,

love the diagram platipy, might look into this i have two boxes, grow box and mother box using twice as many fans just scale it up.

Illegal Smile

Getting back to basics: why do you need a grow box? I've seen many new growers who could grow in a closet or out in a room build a grow box just because they thought they had to. Growing in a box automatically creates a host of problems. Make sure you don't have another alternative before going that route.


Nice!! thanks guys for your help, gonna get the materials soon. What would be the best spacing for plants? using soil i heard anywhere from 10" to 2ft? what do you think?

what kind of squirrel cage fan would i get in terms of CFMs and to keep it quiet? How do you wire the cage fan?

And to answer your question smile im using a box bc i rent a place and have neighbors so i need to be as discreet as possible.


Active Member
hw many plants u thinking of growing or how big u thinking of making the box?
u can pick up fans from alot of diy stores but im in uk so we dnt have walmart and that, but like i say unless ur doing a resonably big grow u wont need a squirel cage fan just a extract fan.
spacing is a tough one, my pots are just next to each other as close as i can get them.
just get em as close to each other as pos and if they need more space them move them apart,