HELP...Damn Rodents


Well-Known Member
Ok so i went down to see my plot the other day an found a very unfortunate sight. About five inches of the stem on one of my plants from the ground up had the bark completely stripped off. If i remember correctly this is where the xylem and phloem are located, therefore isnt it going to die? I wasnt sure what to do so i pile soil up around the stem in a big mound up to where there is bark again. Is there anyhthing i can do to save her? the stem is probably about a half inch thick, and she is a really nice plant. also for the future is there any ways to protect my other plants?


Well-Known Member
I don't think pot plants are like trees when it comes to xylem and phloem. I think the whole interior of the stem transports water. So you might not have a problem.