HELP! CAMO! first time grow

hi i jsut made an account here and i hope it comes in handy!
im doing my first grow ever ive spend all winter researching and everything, ive read all the tips and saw the "never get busted" videos on growing outdoors but it seems that my situation is really tricky. i live about 2 miles from airport and during the summer the DEA helicopter is ALWAYS over my house , ive came home from work and the darn thing was right over my vegetable gaarden eyeing my plants but i wasnt growing bud , real herbs that time lol but, my house has creeks sorrounding it way back in the woods. so im kinda stunned where to place my plants because of the water source since that is where they look first
and the high traffic because there is fourwheeler trails all through the woods.

I already know the tricks like just visit them at night
dont look up at any planes flying by while ur out in the woods,
wear tape on your shoes,
dont leave trash in the woods,
try not to use flashlights while out at night
plant away from water and haul the water in rather then planting right beside water
spread them out instead of growing in rows or patterns
if busted dont ever for any reason go back to the grow spot

im just kinda paranoid that they r gonna catch my plants. i already got them in a germinating bin in the woods with them in the expanding compost pellet things you get at walmart , tthay arent even a week old and they r already 2 inches tall :hump:
there are some old housing spots in my neighborhood where they hauled off the trailers and it is just a deserted empty lot. i was thinking about putting them there? they r already off my land and far enough back in the woods now. any .....any ideas on how not to get busted?


Active Member
I would just do it inside if its an option. The only issue with that is heat but if you keep the temp lower and constant they wont question.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your noiding out and if you are noiding out it could only be one of two reasons.

1. You smoke too much pot. (Which isn't a bad thing)

2. You should trust your inhabitions because you are probably right. The self never lies.

I would go with number two. That being said with new technology brother grow in doors you have more control over the environment. You don't have to worry about getting caught unless you have loose lips or a loose door. Trust your self it never lies.
indoors isnt an option i always have friends over and my house isnt big enough to have a grow room. i use under my house for storage and i dont have an attic nor a access door. i would rather grow outdoors rather then having to hassle with setting up an indoor grow op
also i havent told anybody but a fellow grower who is helping me with tips so other then him im not telling anyone even he dosent know where they r located


Cloud 9 stoner. How many plants are you going to put out? Last year camp raided my neighbor that had a 1000 plant grow and didn't come to my place because mine were hidden well. I only had 200 plants but they well camo'd in manzanitas. It took heck of a lot of work setting it up, but I got away with it so it was well worth it. Also do you have trees you can grow in? If thats an option I have a friend in Humboldt that puts his pots in the trees. He has never been busted.