HELP BUGS!! Week 4 of flowering. ahhh!


Active Member
Hello people. There are some strange looking black dots underneath the leaves which I think are eggs cuz there are some very small gray looking bugs all crawling where the black bits are under the leaves. No pics but anyone know anything?



Active Member
yh looks like that kinda thing, are they serius ? will it kill the plant? what can I do?

I have wipped most of them off and cut the ones with LOADS on but that was only 1 of the fan leaves.
Sounds like spider mites and they are relentless. No, they wont kill the plant but they will signifitaily reduce the yeild. They like all the sugar they produce late in flowering! Spray with insecticdal soap or neem oil or something that says safe to use the day before harvest. Eggs hatch in 2-3 days. Good luck

jack the beanstalk

Active Member
Sounds like spider mites and they are relentless. No, they wont kill the plant...
You obviously haven't met the two spotted mite in a hot closet then. 6 days from diagnosis to being completely covered in web...very dead. YES, they WILL kill your plants.

If you have SM, you need to do 3 different treatments. Neem or mite-rid then bathe, a couple days later repeat then miticide premise spray, pyrethrum bomb...repeat as needed.

jack the beanstalk

Active Member
If you have ever had head lice or fleas infest your family and home you will have some idea the type of problem this can be. You need to clean everything to the max.


Active Member
thanks alot man, sounds dedly. Think I mite have to harvest early. tho first were can you get neem, miticide premise spray, pyrethrum bomb? cheers

jack the beanstalk

Active Member
There are many products and places to get them. Neem can be found at most hardware stores, look for green light, it's a good brand. Mite-rid, is from Australia I believe and I use Siphotrol Premise spray which I order online. If you keep on them with the neem and pyrethrum and manually removing them you could get rid of them.